Tappx Integration for Monetization and Cross Promotion

Screenshot of the TappxDemo app

Recently we decided to use Tappx to help monetize and promote our apps.

The Tappx concept is simple and makes a lot of sense for an independent studio, read more about it here on Tappx.com

We encountered some challenges along the way so to help others we posted a demo app onto GitHub called TappxDemo to show how easily an iOS app can integrate and use both the banner and interstitial ads.

The app is written in Swift 5 using Xcode 11.2.1B53 (for those interested in such details). It supports device re-orientation and refills the ads accordingly.


The display shows a title, two buttons and a lower view containing a status label. Anchored to the bottom of the screen is a banner ad.

The banner ad is sized according to the device in one of the two fixed sizes provided by Tappx.

*Note: There is a third size ‘MRec’ but we have had difficulty getting this to work.

The status label is updated to show when an ad is awaiting refresh or if the ad fails to be provided.

There are two buttons in the app:

  • Show Interstitial
    This button when pressed causes the app to segue to a view controller that initiates an interstitial full screen ad. When the add is closed (or completes via timer) the view controller is disposed and control returns to the root view controller.
  • Refresh Banner
    This button causes the banner ad at the bottom of the screen to be re-loaded.


To try the app, clone the project from GitHub and run from Xcode using a simulator.


  • The app is not intended for production deployment to the App Store and is just for demonstration purposes.
  • You will require to register with Tappx to get your own Tappx key so that ads will be served to you.
  • The app uses the Google Admob sdk and test id as part of the Tappx requirement.

If you find this post useful please use this link to create your Tappx account.